Kootnet Sensors

The update system is now good to go! All HTTP updates are downloaded through HTTPS and do MD5 checks to make sure the download is okay.

I have created a URLs configuration where you can adjust the server address for program updates & the sensor check-in server if you ever want to configure your own servers.

I have added a system-wide alias to start up Kootnet Sensors Terminal Configuration Tool from the command prompt, which is ‘ks-tct’ without the quotes. by default, it runs using the python virtual environment meant for upgrades, because of this, you should be able to use the TCT even when there’s something wrong with the main virtual environment or program (such as missing python modules, which you can re-install with ks-tct).

The Login system has been completely overhauled. I’m using sessions with flask now, and when someone logs in successfully, a login ID is given (randomly generated SHA256). Due to this change, Remote Management is no longer compatible with previous versions (at least not for parts that require authentication). So I have bumped the version to Beta.35.x. This is also good since the username/password has to be reset due to a change in how user/passwords are saved (changed previously).

Other things that have been changed include

  • Seperated sensor offsets to it’s own configuration (only environmental temperature, more to come later)
  • Threaded initial cached variables update (HTTPS server loads much quicker)
  • Instructions and file checks added for changing update server URL
  • Refactoring to remove the need of some 3rd party Python modules (Flask-HTTPAuth, dateutil)
  • Code Clean-up

That’s it for now. You can try it out by updating to the latest beta version.

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