A new version of Kootnet Sensors is out! I have added a fair amount of new functionality and tested it decently. A short-list of features added to the Web Portal includes.
- Add notes
- Remote management through Sensor Control is about 98% Complete
- Database download (Raw or Zip)
- Database upload
- Set the port used for the HTTPS server
- New Sensors added
- Generate new SSL certificate or upload your own
- Change Web Portal username & password
- Upgrade python modules
I have also taken the time to change shell scripts into python functions where applicable. This includes the shell script created to edit configurations from the terminal. This script is now a Python script that works and looks a fair bit nicer. Among other things, it lets you edit configurations, change the Web Portal login, upgrade the program and change its autorun state.
There were some bug fixes and a lot of behind the scenes updates (Most mentioned in previous posts). A new GUI program was also created to test a local or remote sensor.
This kinda feels like my first decently stable release. I want to improve my interfaces (Web Portal) but we’ll see how my motivation goes as I have to do research on things like bootstrap, CSS and JavaScript.
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