I have not decided on what parts to use for the Raspberry Pi tricorder but with the release of the Raspberry Pi W 2, it looks like it could be a fine choice!
In Kootnet Sensors news, I have been enhancing and refining sections. For instance, I’m using Python’s scrypt to create password hashes. It’s much more secure, especially due to adding a randomly generated “salt” to the user’s password that’s generated every time a password is changed. Unfortunately, I can’t convert old passwords to the new format, so it just re-sets the username/password to default. Normally I would never dream of doing that to a userbase, but I don’t really have a large user base per se… so reset!
I am now working on re-doing my whole update system. It’s actually pretty much done now, I just need to tweak it a bit and test some more. With the updates being done in Python instead of bash scripting, I was able to add some nice features, such as MD5 checksum verification of downloaded update files, which, should prevent bad downloads from breaking the install. This also allowed me to down 3 bash scripts to just 1 Python script and 6 Linux service files to just one. I also have the Python update script run from a separate Python virtual environment, which allows a “clean install” to be done (remove all program files and main Python virtual environment before re-installing).
There are a few other things I wanted to do as well, such as changing the Web Portal login from HTTP basic to something a bit more modern.
I am trying to make it so the next release will be version 1.0.0, as a lot of the program is pretty decent as far as the backend goes. Guess we’ll see if that happens 🙂
Until next time!