Monthly Archives: November 2020

Kootnet Network Testers 1.4.0

I have finally released the new Network Testers version. It’s a minor update but does add the ability to view mtr / iperf previous results separately, set tests to run at a specific date & time (one time) and makes the web interface more compatible with Firefox.

I’m kinda waiting for my Remarkable 2 to arrive, so I can do some mock-up designs and enjoy a new toy/work tool.


So I have been taking a bit of a break from programming, but before I did, I actually modified my Network Testers to be able to view iPerf & MTR results separately, so it’s easier to find results, but I didn’t push it as an installer yet. I’m hoping to start programming again soon (a few days?), then make a few other changes before releasing a new Network Testers version. So be on the lookout for an updated release of Koonet Network Testers!