I have decided to improve my Flask app itself, in order to standardize the HTML pages. Before starting these changes, Kootnet Sensors used python functions to add HTML code around the Sensor data and put that into an HTML page, which was returned through a flask route. However, I learned a few months ago about the flask render_template() function, which simply put, works much better and is clearer to understand what it’s doing. It also makes customizing the HTML templates really easy! AKA you can move things around in the .html template files and have it look completely different yet maintain all the sensor data retrieval (Especially nice since my HTML and CSS skills are lacking).
I have already converted my home page (index.html) and my quick links page that shows all the sensor info and links. I also added a bit of mui CSS to get the main menu bar and have the mui loaded from the local sensor, so it still works when not connected online.
Long story short, this is setting an awesome foundation for my flask App.
Once I’m mostly done with the flask render templates, I’ll start looking at HTML and CSS in more depth to improve the look and feel of the HTML pages. Once that’s done, I’ll actually have a half-decent web app! In between these other improvements, I’ll slowly add more function to the pages like configuration updates, display access and even using the local database to create an HTML Plotly graph.
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