I finally got around to adding Sensor Latency testing. A button has been added under the “System Management” page to run it. The latency tests tell you just how long it really takes for a sensor to return a reading. This is required knowledge to set trigger variances in the seconds or less, so it doesn’t end up building a queue of reading requests waiting to get data. I have already set each sensor’s “multiple access wait times” to match more closely with how long it takes to get a sensor reading. This should improve performance when sensors are accessed at the same time.
Most sensors return data within 100ms (0.1 seconds). Some like the EnviroPhat can get a reading from each sensor within 10ms. But there’s one sensor, the light spectrum AS7262 that can take anywhere from 700ms to 8 seconds! I’m not sure exactly why, because my other spectrum sensors, like the BH1745 and the EnviroPhat, can grab readings in less than 20ms every time. I also checked the source code for the driver and how I set-up the API, and it’s set for under 30ms to get a reading for each of the six colours, so added up, it shouldn’t be much more than 200ms, and that’s assuming it can’t do them in parallel.
I have been putting off doing the configuration section under Sensor Control because I know I can actually get it to re-use my existing individual configuration pages without copying them … but it would take some creative re-working, and I have been lacking in creative motivations. Soooo… I think I’ll just copy-paste to get it working and refactor it later.
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