
I spent some more time refactoring the Raspberry Pi Sensor code.  For one, I have the import code for each sensor, in the init part of the sensor access class, that’s created per sensor.  AKA, creating a class instance of a sensor, will then pull in the needed libraries at that time.  I did this originally so unneeded sensor libraries would never be imported, saving time and resources.  However, I then realized that I create the sensor object every time any sensor data is taken, which re-initializes the sensor every time!  Long story short, I moved the sensor access object instance creations out of the sensor retrieval functions and into the primary python program before the main loop.  It only initializes sensor access for sensors specified in the “Installed Sensors” configuration file.  This means sensor readings taken, will re-use the same sensor access instance that was created at the start of the program and only create access instances for installed sensors. 

Doc strings have been added to all functions and classes in the raspberry pi sensor code, and I started to get pipenv working for the package management and virtual environments for my programs… but it keeps erroring out on pipenv install.  It almost seems like its timing out on installing the packages, but I can’t be sure since I’m not sure where it stores the logs if it creates any.  In theory, it sounds like it will simplify the install process and help keep a consistent base to run on, but it looks like it will take a bit more time to have it function as intended.  

I was hoping to get pipenv working before creating new Gnu/Linux install scripts, and I was hoping to have the install scripts working before my next release.  So I’ll continue to diagnose the pipenv issues, in hopes that I can use it for with the new installers.  

Hope everyone’s weekend went well!

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