Live Graph updated

w00t, the Live Graph now works with all supported sensors, AKA Live Graphs work on sensors that give 3 data points as well as just one. I also changed the layout to make it look “cleaner”.  

I have been thinking of a few other features to add, like LED / LCD screen support for displaying sensor readings on the sensors themselves, making the joystick on the SenseHAT functional and adding default reading offsets to the sensors themselves, and sending it with the sensor data for whatever reading it might be.  This will allow the Control Center to choose between the hardware default and a custom setting.

In other news, I have put a few more sensors around my house, to see how the temperature fluctuates in different parts of the house, during different times of the day and night.  The recordings should show me how the heat moves to different parts of the house, at what temperature and how long it takes to get up to temperature, and if certain rooms get more or less heat during the process.  With winter coming and living in a Mobile Home, there should be some good differences!

I have been testing some power systems for the Raspberry Pi, so that I can ultimately have a solar powered system, that charges a battery to keep it running at night.  I tried the “MP2636 Power Booster”, but had mixed results… it seems OK on my one Raspberry Pi 3B+, but it failed to stay on or even charge the battery for a few units…. I suspect polarity is wrong on my cheaper china batteries, but that doesn’t explain the other RP Zero W rebooting when swapping the primary power source.  Long story short, I don’t think the “MP2636” is going to work for my needs.  Next up is one made specifically for the Pi Zero, called “Juicebox Zero”.  It looks very promising, but I have to solder it on, so I’m putting it off for a bit.

** Few days later ** 

Guess I forgot to actually post this a few days back.  I have made some other major changes since the top half of this post.  For starters, I just did an overhaul of the write to SQL Database code.  I merged my 2 programs into one, so now both Trigger and Interval code run from the same python program.  I was mildly torn about doing this, but I think it’s ultimately for the best, not only on system resources and response times but for dealing with the readings as well, as you can now graph both Interval and Trigger readings from the database to a single graph page.  It’s also much nicer to deal with a single database for downloading and storing.

I have changed the “Clean” update code to run as a service (Manual start one-time run), this allows me to fully delete the main folders and files, without terminating the very program that’s doing it, which was preventing the re-install process after deleting everything… AKA it would delete everything and stop.  Now, the program initiates the update service to start, which keeps running after the program that started it, is terminated.  

What else was done… O yes, I added what sensors are installed in the Configuration report, worked on the Unit Testing and did a fair amount of refactoring.  I’m sure there were other things too, but I can’t think of them right now.  

Since I did a few overhauls in the code, I’m going to test things a bit more before an updated release.  

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